Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another one bites the dust!

Another essay done! I really hate writing. Its just not my thing. I can study all day but writing is just doesn't flow out of me. 1,000 word paper took me like 8 hrs. That is crazy. Hopfully with practice I can become a better writer.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Essay 2, violence in video games

My freedom of speech essay is due in a week. Yikes! I've narrowed it down to violence in video games. I feel that I can relate to this topic most because I have a 6 year old son who loves playing video games. I do believe that violence in video games will cause some type of agression especially among boys. Children are like little sponge's they enjoy immitating what they hear and see. Honestly an interactive violent game has to have an effect. How do some people not see that? Imagine you are a kid again and you are playing a action pack killing game. Dont tell me that once you put down that controller your state of mind is just going to snap back into reality. And that is not to say that only violent games make children agressive. I know my son tends to get extememly angry and fustrated even when he plays mario and is losing. I've had to tell him more than a couple of times to "put the game away if it is making you upset." Kids just get so tangled up in gaming.